Your post is so rich with meaning. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of your series. The shroud is such a fitting example of how the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God and the wisdom of God is foolishness to the world. Jesus took a “negative” which was crucifixion and made it a “positive” for us which is eternal salvation.

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Beautiful comment and you are so right - negative to a positive! I'm going to remember that always.

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Wonderful! I read recently the latest dating techniques had 'relocated' the date to where one might expect it, correcting previous errors? I keep the image and an enhanced version of it to hand. I don't doubt Jesus' desire to reach forward through the ages to lampoon our techno-arrogance, cultivated cynicism and manufactured disbelief.

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I'm going to look into to that part. Supposedly it had something to do with where the part of the cloth was taken - at the edge and interweaving of new material in the middle ages. But now some people are saying the carbon dating test was wrong. Nobody knows. Just like the covid me-too-freakout and science! The only thing science does know is that nobody can recreate the shroud. They don't know how it was made.

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Science cannot falsify 'belief' nor does it pretend to (unless perverted) anymore than it can falsify the beauty of a sunset, or love of God. Science has very specific limitations; a useful tool with specific practical purpose when used with logic and integrity of method. I'm sure you know this. Please forgive my repetition.

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I cannot tell you how down in the dumps I have been thinking that I won't be seeing any more posts from you and Pug. So imagine my delight to see the Narrow Path and all the information about the Shroud of Turin that I was not aware of!! Thanks for making my day !!

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I will always be here until Substack kicks me off! Who knows when that will be or how long Substack will be in existence. One day at a time I say! Pug is an artist so the Shroud has always interested her just for the artistic element itself. I look forward to doing this series, since many people do not know about the Shroud (thanks Vatican for keeping it under wraps!) We need good news in this day and age. Blessed Ash Wednesday to you Charlotte and your family.

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One of the arguments for the authenticity of the shroud is not at all scientific. The Jewish mother of a researcher explained to him that it most certainly is Jesus' burial shroud. Why else would they have saved it?

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The Shroud has such an interesting history. The amount of times it was saved from fire is certainly eye-opening (the last time was in the 1990's). It seems the devil would like this item expunged from the world, but here it is, still standing after 2000 years of wars, fires, neglect, stupidity and arrogance of humans. It certainly says something to me.

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Thank you and enjoy the pancakes 🥞

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Thank you Laura, the same to you! Early ashes this morning and then a fast until the afternoon. I was planning on eggs but with the prices! Blessed Ash Wednesday to you.

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