"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

'Commanding' against a lurking background of eternal damnation appears a statement of things, of reality. Is it a real "choice" and something that can only be understood by the sane? The conscious choice of Hell for eternity seems quite insane. He also tells us He will always be with us, each step of the way. Left completely to our own devices I shudder to think. Perhaps we have a taste of that presently?

It strikes me that an emphasis upon the consequences of not following, of disconnection with the Holy are both immediate and unpleasant. One only has to look at the plethora of terrible exigencies weighing upon us now.

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I haven't heard of the "no coercion" theory with regard to why God rarely talks to humans. It makes sense, but I don't know if that is the entire reason why God is silent. God supposedly was silent when Jesus prayed to him in the garden right before his crucifixion. I guess so Jesus could go to his crucifixion freely of his own will, although Jesus knew it was always God's will that he be crucified.

I question if humans truly have free will. But I do agree love is everything. But what is love?

So complicated, but probably because the human ego will always get in the way of God's truth.

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I always enjoy reading you and your sister's writings, especially about God and his son Jesus Christ who paid the price for our sins if we accept that path of discipleship. It's not an easy path because we have to give up on our willfulness to go astray when temptation is on our doorstep. Plus I tend to get lazy about walking on the narrow path sometimes with various worldly distractions. Thank you both for the encouraging words.

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Thank you for continuing to read Charlotte. I too get lazy on the narrow path and sometimes want to cut through the weeds to the big wide road. Especially on days when God just feels like he disappears. I've got to remind myself constantly that God is ALWAYS with us, every second of the day. Hard to do some days.

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Oh this is magnificent and moving. Your best one yet💜💜

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Thanks to Ann Barnhardt! I usually don't post long excerpts from other people but I thought her explanation of God's invisibility to us was spot on.

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