Aug 5, 2023Liked by Napoleon

Agree 100%

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Amen and bravo!!!!!!!💞💞💞💞

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The demonic clown show keeps on going...and going...and going. It is not even humorous, just predictable, pathetic and boring. I am tired of the whole political clown show in the United States. I try to ignore it just like Jesus tried to ignore the political clown show in his time. (Although he did have a problem with the Pharisees and confronted them)

Local politics has its own problems, as Carlin pointed out. Maybe not as clownish as national politics, but many local elections are rigged, especially school boards and school board voting. The common denominator is people and egos.

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Everyone is selected in politics. Even in Kindergarten, the clowns were always selected.

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That was good fun apart form anything else. I consider that politics in the UK is not quite as bad as the US though, although that is hardly saying much nowadays.

Ultimately it is George Carlin who is spot on. If the people are bad then politicians will be bad, if the people are good, well I daresay we wouldn't need politicians!

Reminds me of Jesus's words on fruit "Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit."

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I truly wonder what Carlin would have said if he was alive over the past three years. It just goes to show you that nothing changes. He was saying spot-on material 30 years ago.

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As today well perhaps much the same. But whatever some may say of him, I will say he is an angel. 'angel go crier' is an anagram of 'George Carlin'. So we may say he was an angel crying in the heavens 'wake up!'

He might have added some interesting words between wake and up though!!!

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This is another excellent example of you and your sister's writings and artistic abilities! Love your thoughts on our dilemma as imperfect humans and our need to rely upon God to bless us to overcome the evils of our day.

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Thanks Charlotte for the compliment! I've got to keep rendering to God what is God's and that is almost everything. I truly have peace when I realize everything else is just clown shoes.

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I love your animation! The disciples are hilarious, and the way you depict them (and Jesus’s reaction to them) lets me see my own bumbling disciple self in the picture (not a pretty sight at all).

I tend to agree with you that voting for candidates at the federal level is and has been pointless for quite some time, but I think it’s important at the local level. The people who run our cities, counties, and states run the political machines that give the big cheeses their power. If we can throw a wrench into their machine every once in a while (speak up at local meetings, get involved ourselves, or support people we trust), then they’ll know we are individual human beings and not just a herd of sheep to be controlled.

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Good point about throwing that wrench around locally. That's all we can really do and then let God do the rest. Unfortunately here in NY local elections are just as bad as the state and federal elections. It is truly a selection of clowns.

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Yes, I think that is a good point. I am in the UK of course but it is at the local level where it is far easier to engage. Part of the problem has been the division in families with divorce etc. so people become involved in only their own concerns rather than also taking on board others and the community as a whole.

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Yes, you’re right, and the division and divorce seem to be happening by design.

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Love this take 💜

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Thanks Laura! Sometimes society's focus on politics is just so tiring, especially as it really is meaningless in the end.

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Jesus depicted barefoot in the 1839 painting by John Bridges as He is healing the mother of Simon Peter’s wife: https://useum.org/artwork/Christ-Healing-the-Mother-of-Simon-Peter-s-Wife-John-Bridges-1839

The white shoe boys, the red shoe cult, the clown shoe cabal who wear undertaker makeup are all of this world.

I strive to be barefoot as much as possible, and I suspect Jesus did as well.

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You are so right about being barefoot Dr. I read somewhere that people who touch the earth with their bare feet have better outlooks on life. I've been trying to stick my feet in the grass as much as I can this summer!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Napoleon

And I’m never voting again. I forgot to add that. Fool me once (more like a hundred)...

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Me neither Renee.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Napoleon

This is OUTTA THE BALLPARK Napoleon! I love it! I got back from a long walk and read this.

Were you reading my mind? God bless you brother!

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Thanks Renee! Sometimes I just write stuff that has been weighing on my mind. This is one of those topics. I don't know how other substack writers can write about politics every day. Icky. More power to them though as the next clown show ramps up.

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I agree wholeheartedly with you. As I’ve stated before, it’s all bread and circuses. I think they added a few rings to the three already there!

I’m voting for GOD! I’ll even campaign for Him! Lol!✝️😉

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I pray every day that God give us leaders that are servant leaders. My silent prayer - which should become a vocal prayer- is that we have different choices on the ballot next year. God’s will be done.

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Oh that is so true Jennifer. I so want all the current clowns gone. Everyday I wake up to see if any of the old, old overlords has died. That is all I read of politics - to see if these people have kicked the bucket. They all are well past average life expectancy. But as you say, God's will be done. He must want those aged DIPS there for some reason.

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