Obviously, there will be no trials, not even a kangaroo court like Nuremberg. Only hope is being weaponized:


People have about the same chance to win as a toad has to catch a stork.

There is no "we." Only those in power could change things. They might, if they were made to realize that they will not be saved, either.

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Then there is no other alternative than that this is leading to the very end; a matter of when that arrives. I have thought that God Almighty could walk us back from this but that then something else would have to occur, at some point to set the wheels in motion. It woulds appear as if this is lining up to be that time.

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After Sodom and Gomorrah, the Flood, and extending His patience again and again, why would God spare humans? No matter what, humans end up self-destructing over and over again...

The end game is near:


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There will not be Nuremberg II Trials over the Covid-19 bioweapons (both the disease itself released from a lab in China, created in partnership between the U.S. and communist China; and the covid-19 "vaccines" created by Big Harma and the worldwide governments).

With the advent of "social media" (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) the ego of the average human being (We The People) is too inflated, and the intelligence is too deflated to ever come together for the common good, a common good based on truth, not lies.

Plus, the average human being (We The People), does not live a God-first life. Yet again the inflated ego will not allow God to be first. One's own ego is God, there is no need for a "Sky Fairy" to take control.

The majority of the world is made up of average human beings (We The People) who live an average life, trying to survive by their egos alone. They work a job to pay bills. Some pretend to have careers and be important in their own little circle. Some are demon-filled and wreck havoc in their own little circle or on the world itself.

The majority of the world is made up of average human beings (We The People) who are not very intelligent nor logical. They believe what they are told even if the facts tell them the opposite. They do not have critical thinking skills, are not creative, and many are just plain lazy but would never admit it as the ego would never allow an average human being to admit its faults.

Go along to get along, and trust your ego for everything.

There is no need for God. Satan and the demons know the control of a human being's ego is how God is obliterated from the human race. Hence the evil-filled world. Little glimmers of hope for the human race such as the Nuremberg Trials, where We The People stood up against evil, will be eventually extinguished completely as long as the average human being's ego replaces God. The egocentric world we live in will only get worse.

If We The People want Nuremberg II Trials to ever happen we need to put God first. Believing in God (The God Jesus spoke of) would be a nice start. We need to pray to God. Ask God to make the Nuremberg II Trials happen. Push our egos to the side and let God do the heavy lifting for truth.

Of course even with prayer, nothing usually happens like we think it will. God has his own plan, his own ways and that is where FAITH comes in. The FAITH that moves mountains. The FAITH that Jesus continually spoke of. FAITH is the key it always has been. The FAITH that God is all-seeing, all-powerful, and all-loving and can move mountains if only humans would put aside their egos and believe.

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"Covid" exists only in computer simulations and it was already patented in 2015, in order to make sure that the "cure," the real bioweapon that has been developed and tested in the last few decades in worldwide secret labs, can claim it is "intellectual property" and, as such, its ingredients cannot be disclosed.

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What a great comment. So true. Since our society will never put God first, there will NEVER be a Nuremberg Trials II. It's a nice feel-good statement, but completely unrealistic. The only person that could hold this covid bioweapons war trial is God himself, because all governments/all militaries in the entire world are complicit and should be the defendants. We can't try ourselves, or maybe we can, which is what we are doing now - absolutely nothing and going forward with our jolly egos like nothing is wrong.

Don't be surprised to see a nuclear war in the future. Sometimes destruction to the bone is needed before rebuilding. Of course I prefer Jesus on an asteroid with the final coming, but I'm sure God has other plans.

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Heaven help me I don't believe it could be better stated.

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The human ego is Satan's chew toy. Satan gnaws, gnaws, gnaws on the human ego telling us there is no God, only we humans can make a difference, if there is a God he can't help humankind, etc. etc.

Satan also uses the human ego to bring about depression, insanity, narcissism, even the self defeating/selfish "Christian" belief that one is nobody, unless one "pulls him/herself up by one's own bootstraps."

Will there be a nuclear war?

Probably. But don't be surprised if most of the so-called nuclear weapons sitting in stockpile these past 50 years do not actually work.

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"Until we THE PEOPLE take all the governments out, Nuremberg Trials II is just a pipe dream."

I've said it over and over again, this will not stop until it is stopped.

Clover BioPharmaceuticals, funded by CEPI, are scheduled to deliver 15 billion novel mRNA trimeric Al2O3 adjuvant shots by 2026.

There is NO intention that this corporate globalist DAVOS Cult inspired assault cease.

It will not stop until IT IS STOPPED.

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I agree, All current governments will not stop it. Here in the US we wait for the magical midterms where R's replace D's and everything remains the same. We are in a bioweapons world war against humanity right now. Who will win? Will there be justice in the end? All wars eventually end, but justice takes longer.

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Easier said than done.

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