Sep 26Edited

Reading about and watching politics is depressing. Trump is part of the demonic/scummy/criminal system. Harris is part of the demonic/scummy/criminal system. You can't take down the demonic/scummy/criminal system from within. It has to be dismantled from outside. It has to be dismantled from above.

Faith in God. That's it.

Faith that God has the back of humans who are moral and follow God's commandments.

More public prayer and praising of God is needed to dismantle the demonic/scummy/criminal system. Less ego (I am talking to YOU Trump). You would think after two assassination attempts on his life Trump would realize he is right smack dab in the middle of his "Dark Night of the Soul" where God is speaking to him. The "Dark Night of the Soul" is the big human ego eraser. Erase your gigantic ego Trump and start tp praise God and let God do all the heavy lifting.

Alas, I am talking to the wall...hello wall!

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As a whole, Trump should stay a game show host since he really is not really too smart when it comes to things like vaccines.

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Trump is trying to be a part of the demonic/scummy/criminal system because it strokes his ego and gives him lots of money. Sad.

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People just need to realize that they ALL are psychopathic control freak parasites. He is just less of one than others.

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Let's Make a Deal! or more appropriate Press Your Luck! (80's show where we all get whammied to bankruptcy). The problem with Trump is he puts yes men/women all around him and thinks that's smart. These yes/men women are just playing him for a fool and in the end we all lose. He'll never wise up to that fact.

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So we should put Camalatoe in place instead? I’m not voting for either one of them. My vote is my feet walking away from the whole fucked up mess.

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The difference is - Trump is a genius, he knows the truth, and he knows what he was up against in 2020 with the kovid hoax. He handled it the way he had to, to prevent the global reset and takeover from happening right then, that would have ended life as we knew it forever. They hated him for disrupting their plans. So they used the hoax to steal the election in 2020 with masses of fraudulent mail-in and dropped-off ballots.

Kackala Harris is a dingbat with no brain who must be told what to say to appease her puppeteers. She cannot think for herself, or understand reality, because she is an actual high-paid escort, otherwise known as a whore, who whored her way into every position she ever had.

Trump on the other hand knew what he was up against when he was asked by the military to run for President. He knew his end goal was the complete abolishment of the deep state criminal syndicate that has been running our country, and selecting our "leader", since the coup of 1963.

Currently Trump has the mandate of 70% or more of the public. The deep state will not be able to steal this election. Even if they have the fake news propaganda media tell the people Harris won, the public will not buy it this time. Or if they see that Trump has won in spite of their cheating, they will then try other nefarious methods to keep him from taking office.

So be prepared for a very bumpy next four months.

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"The deep state will not be able to steal this election."

There's nothing to steal. It has already been selected 50.5-49.5. The algorithm has been set. Perpetual sinus infection Harris is it. But in the end we roll on to communism no matter who is selected.

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Sep 26Edited

Gotta do a Harris Bratty Boob seeing as she is the next selected one. Ugh. America will never have communism just corporatism. The little guy can go eff himself, as long as the federal government and the state governments continue to get school/property/sales/income taxes from the average Joe/Joette.

I believe clean water should be free for all households in America AND each legal citizen over the age of 18 should get a yearly universal basic income, say $7,000 (or whatever matches the standard Federal income tax deduction). The government already assumes we need a certain amount of income to live off of, and that income should not be taxed. Hence the standard income tax deduction. Take away the deduction and give it to the people instead as universal basic income.

I suppose that makes me a communist, wanting a better life for everyone in American society? Many would say so. Oh well. God gave us the earth and the resources on the earth, it is time we stop hoarding the resources and expecting everyone to pay just to have clean/safe water.

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