Dec 20, 2023Liked by Napoleon

What a powerful write-up! I appreciate your discernment and the great detail you provided about both your dad and sister's harrowing journeys. You learned so much. Thank you for sharing what you did.

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Great to see Dad and Terry's pictures. I miss them. If there really is a cure for cancer out there and TPTB are suppressing it, that would be the biggest crime against humanity. Cancer is horrid and the best we can do is create more drugs, poisons and food leading to more cancer. Sad, sad, sad.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Pug, Napoleon

Pug, thank you for sharing your story about your family's battle with cancer and the obvious willful ignorance and malpractice that you and your loved ones endured all those years. I believe that the medical system that we are under was developed by the Rockefellers to make money and keep people sick and coming back for more hopeium especially when it comes to Cancer and other autoimmune disorders. Nutrition is ignored and not taught at medical schools and cancer treatments have to be developed from coal tar products so they can be patented. Both of my parents died of cancer. I have stopped going to Allopathic doctors. If I need first aid from a cut or break a bone I will use their services. I now go to a Naturopathic doctor who has helped me with regaining my health from issues that I have had by using herbal medicine and vitamin supplements. She determined what I needed from an extensive health history and labs that can indicate what chemicals are in your body poisoning it and what vitamins you are lacking. What a concept!?

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Sorry to hear about your parents Charlotte. People say cancer is genetic - is it? It seems almost everyone gets cancer now. I haven't been to any doctor in almost 30 years (by the grace of God). But should I need to, a Naturopathic doctor is who I will search for.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Napoleon

That is another lie! Genetics!! Look at all the new vaxxes for diseases that are supposed to be genetic coming down the pipeline!

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Seemingly our sister didn't have the genetic mutated gene that "supposedly" causes triple negative breast cancer. The medical cartel are grasping at straws, so determined to show the world that they are "oh so smart" about the causes and treatments of cancer. In reality they have no clue what causes cancer and no clue how to treat cancer. But they sure know how to make billions of dollars off of cancer patients.

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Cancer is scary. It scared me more before I had it, though (16-year survivor). I don't recommend getting it to cure fear of it.

My mother died of cancer and/or cancer treatment at 54, two years after diagnosis. I was 26. When all else failed, she tried juicing. It didn't work.

Mine may have started around 55, but was diagnosed at 56. If my guess about what caused it (for both of us) is correct, it was a dangerous pharmaceutical turned loose on pregnant women in the 1940s with little if any testing, and left on the market for three decades. (In case anybody thinks such practices are new.) We would have been exposed in 1950, when she was carrying me.

This chemical is now known to do widespread damage to the reproductive system, a chemical castration agent. In the case of pregnant women, damage to mother and child, and potentially future generations, although in our case there were to be no other children. She refused to have any more children, and I was born sterile.

I would add one item to your list of cancer causes. Scientific "progress".

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"I would add one item to your list of cancer causes. Scientific "progress".

Exactly. Great comment.

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Sorry to hear about your mom and yourself CM. Great that you are in remission! It seems cancer treatment has gotten worse since the 90's - as you say scientific progress leads to more cancer - especially screenings. I'm just riffing here, but nobody should ever go to the medical industrial complex unless they are actually sick. No preventative tests or screenings - EVER.

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I won't even go for a "well care" visit now through my insurance. Those things are not for your health! I do have a doctor I work with remotely on a cash basis, no insurance involved.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Napoleon

Me too. I ignore the emails and phone calls. I’ve gotten to 75 without going to docs for every sniffle and pain. I ignore screening. PR. I had a doc right before Covid who tried to scare the crap out of me at a pre surgical exam because of my elevated blood pressure. (I had been in an accident and broke my wrist). I was nervous, stressed and frightened about the surgery) so elevated BP. Sure. I tried to tell her that but she had a shiny new digital stethoscope and detected a slight murmur. That led to a high BP med and a stress test. I was so stressed about it I couldn’t sleep which made it worse. The stress test showed normal age related stuff. No biggie but still the badgering about BP. She wanted weekly readings from home. I tried but could hear my heart pounding the minute I looked at the damn machine. I finally said enough. Continued taking the lower dose med, never went back and turned EVERYTHING MSM OFF. This was a few weeks before Covid. Still off. I suppose I should thank this doc because turning it off kept me from the fear propaganda getting to me. I listened to my usual alternative health sources who eventually tipped me off to what was really going on. Did she save my life maybe! I never got the jabs. Will never get any again. I only see a functional medicine doc now off insurance.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Pug, Napoleon

Pug, I'm so sorry for your loss. As painful as it is to have someone fall asleep earlier than expected, watching your loved ones endure torture at the hands if the 'experts' just adds so much pain.

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Thanks Perplexity for Pug and I! Watching these last three years when healthy people are voluntarily choosing their torture kills my soul. I hope God saves us from ourselves. I have faith that He will.

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It has always been too easy for people to be gaslighted into bad recommendations and end up getting sick from the fear of getting sick. None of us will be here long in the grand design of the universe. We are blessed to be here by the Will of God. We suffer, we love, we laugh, we prosper, we endure pain and loss. We do really dumb stuff, and usually learn from our mistakes.

I’m in a sandcastle metaphor this week. Maybe I need a walk on a beach…. https://drobviousdoctorobvious.substack.com/p/the-ocean-tide-vs-the-sandcastle

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The fear of getting sick is what has paralyzed this world in the last three years. I just can't believe that a failed cancer treatment was forced on people who don't even have cancer or are even sick of anything. The world is completely mad.

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Yes, MNRA drugs were originally designed for cancer "treatments." They failed, as they were determined to be too toxic (can anything be more toxic than chemo and radiation?). What to do with the failed MNRA technology? Re-label it as "vaccines" and pump it into billions of humans' arms. What could go wrong?

MNRA cancer drugs were designed to go through the body and seek out cancer cells to destroy. Why are people so surprised the MNRA "vaccines" go through the body depositing so-called spike proteins everywhere. THAT IS WHAT IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO.

Boggles my mind that people "thought" the Covid MNRA "vaccines" stayed in the arm muscle. Stupid me, I thought respiratory illnesses originated through the mouth/nose/eyes and resulted in nasal/lung problems. How is the vaccine sitting in my arm muscle going to stop me from getting a respiratory illness? I suppose if I sneeze on my arm...

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This news is just SO NOT surprising.

Too many "scientists" and evil people are interested in playing with fire, and poisons

They are also careless and have black hearts

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The medical industrial complex is an evil, chaotic mess. It never EVER should be ruling society. People disparage religions all the time, when they really should disparage medicine and science. The latter brings no hope and only death. Just my opinion.

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I am so sorry about your sister and your dad. Like you, I am not sure the side effects are worth some of the treatments. I have never had cancer, but cleaning up my diet helped many of the noticeable symptoms of my autoimmune disease subside. That was after the regular doctor told me I was fine. For now, I am sticking with the alternative path, though maintaining my ridiculously expensive medical insurance "just in case" there is an accident or other emergency. For me, all of this is somewhat full circle. My grandmother tried to figure out alternative treatment and healthy eating before that was a thing, her daughter (who did die of cancer) had turned to nutrition and alternative treatments before her diagnosis, even becoming a nutrition coach, and now I find myself on that path of realizing that all the chemicals we are exposed to through diet or otherwise are altering us in some way I don't fully understand but that I don't believe is good.

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That's the thing. We can try to stay away from all medical industrial complex poisonings but the food is so full of crap. Unless we just live on our own homegrown food (but then what's in the soil and water?), we are still being poisoned. I guess the best we can do is choose not to get injected with bioweapon shots. The world is hard enough to live in healthily, why make it harder? Great to see your new substack Jennifer!

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What about the seeds? Many seeds have been genetically modified to resist weeds and insects. Humans do seem to be able to adjust to the toxins all around us (human population is still increasing worldwide) but are humans living better? Humans may be living longer but it seems we require daily pharmaceuticals to mask the chronic aches, pains and illnesses. It is a never ending evil cycle.

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My son has written a few papers on GMOs and food. It has been eye opening. And now I have to make sure I am not buying lab-grown meat? I want it all the way God made it. I tried to garden this year, all non-GMO seeds. I failed miserably, but I believe because I had few pollinators. Next sure I am planting flowers, just to get the pollinators back.

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The bees. You are right. I've had a bee perennial garden for years and noticed less and less bees every year. We are killing them with 5G and everything else. Gardening and farming is hard.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Napoleon

I put 3 tall thick poles wrapped with copper around a huge tree in my front yard last spring. It attracted thousands of bees all summer long. It's the copper drawing from the skies electric fields! Same with my gardens. Huge and lots of veggies using this method.

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