AMDG and a blessed Easter to you all in these astoundingly pernicious times. The opportunity to bear witness is the greatest gift we may be given. LDS.
Happy Easter, Pug and Napoleon! Husband and I do so appreciate the sacred music from those English cathedrals. Our granddaughter sings in the choir at Portsmouth Cathedral (her father a canon), sometimes our daughter sends us recordings of the music.
"Happy Easter Season"--isn't it amazing? One season which simply continues until the end of time?
I hope everyone had a great Easter and enjoys the Easter season, no matter what this world may bring!
Beautiful singing for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!
AMDG and a blessed Easter to you all in these astoundingly pernicious times. The opportunity to bear witness is the greatest gift we may be given. LDS.
Happy Easter to all!
Christ is Risen!
Happy Easter, Pug and Napoleon! Husband and I do so appreciate the sacred music from those English cathedrals. Our granddaughter sings in the choir at Portsmouth Cathedral (her father a canon), sometimes our daughter sends us recordings of the music.
Happy Easter to every living creature and human at your happy place.
Easter is the very best celebration of all