Feb 4, 2023Liked by Napoleon

I showed my hubs your animation EV post and he thought it was excellent and funny!!

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Thanks Charlotte! That is so going to happen. I can see people using regular extension cords to charge old batteries when gas is outlawed in two years. The only way to get through the madness is to laugh.

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I woke up at 2:30 am and the temperature was -7 F. At 7 am this morning the temperature was -4 F.

The last time I started my ICE car was yesterday at 3 pm. I went out to start my car at 7 am this morning and the battery barely turned over. My car battery sat in below zero temps (without being driven or started) for 16 hours and it barely had enough juice to crank the starter to turn over the ICE.

Yes, EV car batteries are much bigger than my little ICE car battery. In theory if I had an EV I shouldn't worry about the battery not having enough juice to start and run the car in sub zero temps. Yes?


Does anyone really care about the real world impacts (including weather) that EV mandates will cause?

Nah. Just like the autonomous car fad that quickly faded from the headlines after someone was hit and killed by a driverless vehicle, the EV fad will fade once the true negative impacts are finally realized by the masses.

Plus EVs are too expensive. I can barely afford my 2018 Mazda3 (which cost $18,000 in 2019), let alone a $75,000+ EV. No one is going to want to buy a used EV because of the battery issue.

So, yeah, you are not going to get many EV stories here on Substack, I don't think the high rollers and PC types who own EVs (usually a second car to tool around with) are going to read your Substack newsletter. Especially a newsletter with topics about God and Jesus. Too icky.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023Author

That's true. Nobody knows about EVs but liberals, rich people and car enthusiasts. None of those people are reading substack. I went out in -15 to shovel and start my car and my stupid little car fob froze and stopped working. Thank God I have an old-fashioned key that could unlock and lock the door. See, it pays to be poor with an old, poor car (I have a Honda Fit, which I call the golf cart). So if key fob batteries freeze, imagine what an EV would do in such temperatures, and really -15 is not that cold in the scheme of things. This post is probably 5 years ahead of its time.

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We have our share of car stories too. The latest one is about my sister's new car that we are keeping for her while she is gone to stay at her daughter's place in California for a few months. My son Derek decided to take it out for a drive to make sure her battery was in good shape and a deer ran out in front of him and wrecked the front of the car. This happens frequently around here because we live in a hilly wooded area near a state park. I have seen Turkey, Bobcat, Deer, raccoons and coyote run out across the road in broad daylight in front of my car while driving. It's a family joke that refuse to drive in the darkness but occasionally I have to and the roads are narrow and no shoulders so where are you going to go to avoid the animals? Down into a ravine or into some trees??

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Dang, your area is in a deep freeze!! I hope you are staying warm and comfortable.

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Nobody has an EV story? That's actually good to hear. Do not comply with that madness either.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Napoleon

Electric Boogaloo is a gas!! Don't you just love the idiot's that think they know how to run our planet? What happened to their brains? Oh, I know, they are geneticly modified from eating too many GMO'S and following their leader from the dark side.

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Absolutely! Idiocy supreme. I look outside my window now and see nothing but a white out of snow and wind. At least the roads up here will be empty most of the winter with the EVs out of commission in this winter wonderland. I hear you guys had lots of ice down there this past week. Can you imagine what an ice storm would do to EVs?

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Napoleon

We were fortunate to only have some snow but my step daughter in Little Rock had a mess of icing for two days. She was able to work from home. EVs are a joke for most Americans and would not work in rural areas at all. But I have cousins that live in Chicago and barely know that Illinois is mostly farm land.

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