I have to say I think smoking healthier that vaccines. I have never smoked or wanted to. I think it is probably the toxins in processing tobacco and plastics in filters that might be the issues rather than tobacco itself.

Let's face it big pharma drugs are STILL not banned after decades of evidence of the harm they cause. Blame anything but big pharma drugs they say.


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Sounds like gaslighting to me. When people die from it, I call it murder. We have a governor like that too. Same rules apply. God will deal with them at the right time and in the right way. In the meantime, there is more to this problem than just the "rulers".

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It is murder. The ads are blatant lies about a product that causes grievous harms. Where is the FCC on this? I am going to send the ad to Del Bigtree on the Highwire to see if he can get his lawyers on it. Will anything come of that? Probably not.

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Del is an idea. We watched his show and supported his work for a year while we were sorting out the whole sordid covid mess, and we still sometimes refer people to it that are going through that process now. Our work has taken other directions. (Our next door neighbor had a big tree in his front yard that I nicknamed Del. I used it as a landmark so that I wouldn't drive pas our house by mistake. And then one day I came home and it was gone.)

The FCC is part of the federal administration. The administrative branch has been captured, along with the legislative and judicial branches. I realized this a couple of years ago, although it's not exactly new.

We have personal connections within the judiciary, but we can't talk with them about any of this. Their minds are captured. We watched as one of them made terrible mistakes that affected the entire country. It is very sad to see, but it helps us to understand the depth of the problem. I see no possibility of humanity, on its own, overcoming this. But it will be overcome.

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I think you should. They are literally killing people with their lies. Big Harma is laughing their asses off that they now get to have DUH governments doing their advertising for them. All the heart-injured people will literally think these shots will cure them.

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I have been watching the murder and otherwise destroyed lives here in California for three years now. It has hardened me in ways I don't like, and I hardly go out of the house any more. This world is not my home, and it wasn't before 2020 either, but I don't even pretend to recognize it now.

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The ho is nancy pelosi or kamala cameltoe? Inquiring minds need to know

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Ho, ho, ho King Kathy Tyranno Hochul, so-called Governor of New York state. She became governor after mass murderer Cuomo was ousted because he liked to grope women. She then was "re-elected" as governor in a typical NY rigged election. She deserves all the scorn I can throw at her.

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'health loch' nuke is an anagram of her name as is 'hell coke hath UN'.

But I like this best so far.

hellcat hoe hunk

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Did you read the article?

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So many 'hos and so little time. The queen 'Ho is Kathy Hochul demoncrat gov of NYS.

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Yes, Insanity is rampant and the foolish can't see through the nonsense. Here in northwest Missouri I have noticed that a few more people are wearing masks in grocery stores as that's the only public place I frequent. At church maybe I see a few older people use them. I don't hear much about vaccines from our government, but Missourians tend to be very stubborn and independent people.

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