I used to use the Ouija board every once in a while, when I would ask who I was speaking to it would always come back and say "your Will." My Will would always come back with gobbledy gook for answers. Kind of like the woke double speak we hear from the media and government officials.

Eventually using the Ouija board became tiresome as it wasn't giving me any answers that would help me in my day to day living. It was time consuming and useless.

I used the Ouija board because I wanted answers to my future, etc. Most humans want to know what the future holds so they can be prepared, but while they are looking at the future the present is passing them by.

Jesus said (Matthew 6):

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-you of little faith?

So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

That pretty much sums up human life on earth. I would rather have faith in God and live in the present than have no faith in God and spend all my present time on demonic crap looking for a future that may never come.

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I never laid hands on one myself, but I was involved with a group of people years ago that did and do. At one point near the end of our association, something happened that involved me, and they asked via the board what was going on, and what came back was personal information about me that I had never disclosed to anyone. This was not simply the result of ideomotor activity.

Nor was it the only thing I observed. Independently of that group, I on two occasions witnessed spirit apparitions. All of this was during my days away from the faith (and specifically away from "the church"). I have nothing to do with any of it now, or anything resembling it.

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So true. My experience as well. Science says it's all just ideomotor, but what causes ideomotor? There is another realm occupied by spirits and we will all go to that realm at our deaths. There is so much more to this world than science will EVER know.

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On original unix distribution even in early 1970's they included Eliza a chat-bot psychiatrist that would talk about anything and was fun.

I have played with all these chat-bots of now like the OP lists, and they are all 100% crap, 99% of the time on any topic I get back "I cannot talk about that topic"

Boring and worthless, the chat-gpt is the worse because every question besides the answer being 'will not discuss' I get an entire paragraph on 'woke-thought'


Now here's the DEAL "open-ai' is ran by a CUCK name sam-altman who claim to fame was +17 years ago created a iPHone app called "LOOPt" that allowed gay fag men in San-Fran to hookup and screw in the bushes and geo-locate around bay-ahrea

His app and youth and homo promiscuity attracked SV homo like peter-thiel also flaming homos like all of SV-VC in San-Fran area going back to original HP VC days out of Stanford 100% HOMO

So then Sam-Altman is given the y-combinator project, where high-school nerds are piped into SV for summer-camp to become entrepreneurs ( & future fags ) cuz it was always a CIA ran GROOMING OP

Just recently they put Sam Altman in charge of "OPEN AI" which is the birther of chap-GPT, any wonder that all the new AI is homo, woke and cuck'd?????

Lastly, sam altman is a drop-out and don't know shit about algo's or AI, he's a classic example of well trained homo being promoted way beyond his skill level

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Interesting. I find it funny that chat bots won't talk about most topics, but it makes total sense. Even the non-answers are answers. I can't talk about that and here's why. Evil always has to tell you what it is going to do. It's never hidden, even when it's trying to be hidden.

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Nice commentary.

The explicit bias of AI is self-evident as are the deterministic linear algorithms omnipresent even in 'inference programing'. The answer seems clearly, don't go where nonsense lives, don't feed the beast.

Above all, the incapacitating deficiency rendering the concept of AI unfit for purpose is the terrible idea that it will by default become deified. AI will inevitably be elevated to the status of a deity by ever more dumbed down pond skating masses on the one hand (people who often opine authoritatively, 'Google says..'), and on the other, as an immutable raison d'être for policies, actions and the pursuit of (choose here) an ideology embraced by bureaucrats and politicians. It will become the ultimate defense of a course, the trajectory of AI faux-directed action, the very essence of circular thinking.

Surrender to an infatuation with AI and it will become the serpent that in the end enables its master to self-devour, opening the door to a descending spiral staircase into Hell.

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Great comment! You should write a whole article on AI on your stack someday Dr. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on how it works. Other than Ouija, I have not bothered to even try to use a chat bot. I do remember that one substacker entered some word into it and the bot developed some evil-looking picture as a response. When I saw that I knew it was bad. I'm an art lover and bad art is a red flag of lurking evil.

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One summer when I was a teenager I watched my younger cousins during the day while their parents were working and we were bored so the cousins got out their Ouija board and began asking questions and goofing around. So I asked them to ask the board who was "in charge of the game". We watched as it spelled out Lucifer. They had no clue as to who that was but I came from a Christian home and and knew that board was not a game to play with any longer for fear of opening up to evilness. So when I recently read about AI chat I thought that it would come to "no good" for many people.

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That's exactly my experience Charlotte. After my goofing around with the game, my life was never the same - and not in a good way. Did you know that supposedly when the game was first invented they asked it what it should be named and it spelled out Ouija. They then asked it what that word meant and it said "Good Luck!" Yes indeed, good luck to all of us. Evil does really tell you up front what it is going to do and laughs in your face.

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I didn't know the history behind that game, very interesting and creepy, to say the least. I had enough creepy experiences in an old brick house that was built before the civil war that we lived in for eight years on the farm that my father managed. It didn't take too long for us to realize that something else lived with us. At night it sounded like someone was throwing bolling balls on the attic flooring as well as the strangest sounds coming from closets. My parents led by example by not making a big deal about it and told us to pray when scared and upset and we would all pray together as well and not give into fear. We lived in that house until my father was able to build us a nice modern home a few miles away.

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Back in the house I grew up in, I used to hear knocks on the wall all the time - very loud, just like the bowling ball sounds you heard. This became more frequent after my "playing" with the Ouija board. Prayer is the answer to make it stop - your parents were completely right.

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How were you able to go back to sleep after experiencing those wall knocks?

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What was interesting was that the knocks always happened in the morning right before I woke up. So utterly weird. Nothing much happened at night, always during the light of day.

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Amazing, your personal alarm clock?? The older I get the more I realize that I really don't know that much about this planet we live on.

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Thanks for sharing that with me as many friends that I have had over the years never really believed me when I shared my family's experience with the paranormal. I thank God every day for my heritage of goodly parents and grandparents. I have more stories about this particular topic that I remember but will share at another time.

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AI Chat at its best could be a portal to all human thoughts as ever written on the internet, in useful summary. But the devil is in the details of summarizing.

It does not poll all written thoughts and learn good from bad and give us a good answer. It is only going to tell us what was found to be acceptable on the internet by the elites: our authorities. The ones who wish to be our authors now.

It is a modern Tower of Babel, right?

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Absolutely it is. "It is only going to tell us what was found to be acceptable on the internet by the elites: our authorities." The next question is who is the ultimate elite on earth? The earthly authorities only go by the authority given to them. Satan rules this earth and most of the elite on earth, since they have abandoned God. What is found to be acceptable goes through an evil filter and with AI chat bots the result is evil as good and normal. For example, there is something very, very bad going on with the transgender hysteria currently waging in this world. How something so bad and anti-human could become so normalized and controlling is an example of demonic evil elite in control. I should write a post about it someday.

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Thanks for filling in some of the details of this phenomenon. I have completely avoided it this round, although I encountered Eliza in the early 70's and I was involved in other activities more recently (2003-2013) that are the reason for my complete avoidance now.

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Yep, that makes eliza 50+ years old and it was 1000x better than the shit they're giving us now, and all eliza did was scramble what we said into a hash table and spit shit back, it was supposed to be an example of a 'turing test',

Now we have a lstm-rnn table driven algo that is a trained & weighted towards gay-cuck reward system, who knew? who care?

The time of eliza we also had jive-talk remember that?? On unix same-same but took our chat and converted to urban-ghetto mumbo-jumbo, totally non-woke today, so ergo +50 years and our AI has gone non-woke to woke

Total FAIL

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Yes, I vaguely remember jive-talk. I was in college at the time, in the early 70's, and networked computers were a new thing where I was. Oh, what I didn't know then that I do know now. I was also, going on 30 years later, involved in microprocessor chip development, although not as a circuit or layout designer (I supported their work). It was at a key point, the transition from 16- to 32-bit architecture. I thought it was going to lead to a better world. Oh well. Live and learn.

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Komputer? Yep a tool just like a hammer & nail; We used to say when your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

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I've been trying to ignore it as best I can. Maybe it is just a fad and will go away. But the mechanical Ouija Board has been in existence since the 1880's and it's not going away anytime soon. There seems to be a need for "talking boards" and "chat bots" for humans. That says something I suppose. But like you, I avoid them as I know what they can do.

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Mar 24, 2023
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Interesting comment. You are right, I fear how we are making it so much easier for mass delusion by the evil side in our subconscious wills. The last three years have shown that. Still, there's hope. That's why I posted that video at the end. It shows that good is coming out of all this, one person at a time.

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