You can't vote your way out of evil and tyranny. Ask North Korea, ask China, ask Canada, ask the United States.
I'm not a political person, but the crying and hand-wringing from both sides after the midterms is quite comical to me. What do people expect? Were people waiting for the messiah of the red wave/tsunami/whatever to save them? Laughable.
Even if the red tsunami happened, what do you think would have happened afterwards? That's right - NOTHING. Absolutely, positively, undeniably NOTHING would have changed. One evil exchanged for another with a different name, but the same agenda.
What agenda is that Napoleon, you big know-it-all jerk?
The agenda of narcissistic, quite-stupid people who only want power for power's sake and yes, here I am going there again - Godless and without any redeeming social morals. That's it.
In the US, there is only one party. Call it what you will - the Uniparty, the Big Club (per Carlin), the Elites, the Shadow Cabal, etc. In the end humans with power always want and do the same things - anything they can to stay in power. No one who is elected is going to want to buck the trend of doing good and straying off the path of what got them there in the first place - money.
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's. That's it. Voting is giving to Caesar what is Caesar's - your vote. Go ahead, but it doesn't really matter in your life. Think about it. Has any candidate voted into office really affected your life in any manner? Has your life changed immediately for the better just by your vote and nothing else? Mine hasn't.
The change in my life happened outside of any vote, or any election, or any red or blue wave. I didn't wait for politics to make my life worth living. In fact even thinking about politics gives me an immediate, extreme headache. I live in the awful political state of NY with the awful Godless, atheistic governors of Hell. But here I am, still here and doing fine. They mean nothing to me. They can edict and edict all kinds of evil and I ignore it all. My earthly world is so small now, it is practically non-existent. But I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Goody for you Napoleon, but some people have to live in this world and voting is the only thing that can make a change.
Is it the only thing? Truly the only thing?
If that is the case, your whole life will pass you by as you wait for that voting change that never materializes. Once, the R's get in power, once Trump comes back, once the Great Reset happens, blah, blah, blah. Trust me, as an oldster, you can't keep waiting on things to happen via humans and the vote before your nirvana appears and you can start living.
Start living now - in the hell of evil that we live in. In the spiritual battle, where good is being pummeled by evil every single day. The vote is not living. It is only a hope that human beings can change things for the better, the easy way. Just by voting, I don't need to change myself, I can pretend that a different political society will make my life better. It won't.
Living in NY, I was thinking about concentration camp victims the other day and how some made it through intact. I remember reading a story about one Jewish man who said that one thing his oppressors couldn't do was take away his soul and belief in God. He clung to that every day no matter what happened to him physically out in the hell of the world he was living in. We must do that too.
Can't we be better people without waiting for a vote to change our circumstances? Can't we live better lives even living under the boot of evil, narcissistic, power-hungry, Godless overlords? But how? The physical, earthly world needs to go away as the nexus of our being. The meta-physical, supernatural world to come needs to be the nexus of our being. Once we live as we should to obtain this supernatural world of eternity - which for me is Heaven, then no matter who is in power, we are good.
The bottom line is, just don't be an asshole to other people, do charity as often as you can, follow the Ten Commandments, and just give a stranger a smile once in a while. If these simple things are followed, then the highs and lows of voting results will seem childish. Your life goes on, no matter what happens.
I leave you with the Gospel of the Day :
And being asked by the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come? he answered them, and said: The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
Neither shall they say: Behold here, or behold there. For lo, the kingdom of God is within you. And he said to his disciples: The days will come, when you shall desire to see one day of the Son of man; and you shall not see it. And they will say to you: See here, and see there. Go ye not after, nor follow them: For as the lightning that lighteneth from under heaven, shineth unto the parts that are under heaven, so shall the Son of man be in his day. But first he must suffer many things, and be rejected by this generation. (Luke 17:20-25)
Beautiful. Voting will not announce the coming of a better day, because your better day is within you now. Jesus is coming back - not by a vote - but in complete power. Until then, just follow what He says, enjoy your life on this earth as best you can, help other people to enjoy their lives as best they can, and no matter the political situation you find yourselves in all will be good.
Living one's daily life in a Godly way and trusting in God instead of the demon-filled egomaniacs running this crap show, is excellent advice.
Yesterday, I was just thinking about how God positively affects my life each day now that I rely on God and not my own or others actions. For example, for the past two weeks I have been looking in the stores for a new coat.
I want a coat that has a zip out liner so I can wear it in the spring and the fall. I went to outlet malls and thrift stores looking for a coat. The outlet malls wanted $150+ for new coats with zip out liners and the quality of the coats were terrible (made in China, velcro instead of metal snaps, thin fabric etc). I could find no zip out liner coats at the thrift shops, as most thrift shops have a small selection of used coats usually in small sizes.
As I was walking back to my car after another failed shopping trip for a zip-out lining coat, I said to God "I leave it up to you, I will continue to wear my old coat (with the broken zipper) and maybe someday I will find an affordable coat."
Four days later I go into my mom's closet and I find a black zip-out lining coat that she has not worn since the 1980's. I ask her if I could have the coat and surprisingly she says I could as she never wears it. Of course the coat is not exactly what I want, the pockets are small and there is no detached hood. Plus the coat has a weird gold trim across the back and the sleeves (typical 80's style).
Now I could reject the free coat because it did not fit my specifications exactly, or I could thank God for sending me the free zip-out lining coat.
I thanked God.
As to the gold trim, I spent the last two days removing the trim by hand (as it is sewn on). God gave me the coat, but he also expected me to do a little bit of work myself in order for it to meet my expectations.
Just like in daily life if you only ask and trust in God, God will give what you need but not exactly what you want or in the time frame of when you want it.
I trusted God for my coat, he gave it to me.
If I asked and trusted the 'Ho for a coat, do you think she would give me one?
I have not voted in over 30 years. It is a rigged and rotten system to the core and I will not shore up such a system by voting. In a fair non-rigged electoral system all election ballots should have "none of the above" as an option, so the voters can show the uni-party that they have no confidence in any of the candidates. The election should then be rerun with different candidates.
Not that the system ever really cared about "We the People."
I have an aquaintence who is a big Republican and believes voting can change the outcomes in a rigged system. He asked me if I became governor of New York instead of the 'Ho what would I do different. I told him I would start with:
1. Remove the yearly vehicle inspection requirement in NY
2. Remove the stipends for NYS Legislators and give them part-time pay
3. Change property taxes to be based on the land and not the buildings on the land (reducing taxes by 80%)
4. Remove the tolls on I-90 Thruway
5. School property taxes would only be paid by households with children in public schools
6. Remove the eye test to obtain a driver's license
7. Push for the useless Legislature to pass a law for no vaccine/mask mandates for hospitals/nursing homes, schools, governments, businesses.
8. Lower sales tax and make it standard for all counties
9. Remove Daylight Savings Time
Those are just a few little things that can affect many people in a positive way in their day to day life (hopefully). Obviously the ego maniacs in power in NYS will be affected negatively by my changes as less money will go into their pockets...so needless to say I will never be governor of New York state.