We are all covided out by now. I was done with this over-reaction covid mania before it even started. On 3/17/20 I said this was all a "me-too freakout" by 14-year old girls who need you to sign their yearbooks, and who wear bell-bottoms on their faces as the current fashion fad.
Sigh... my assessment of the world hasn't changed. Why? Humans have an unending need to herd together and show their egos full force. Man's will over God's will has always, is now, and will always lead to destruction.
But, the times they are a-changing. During the past two years I have prayed to God to show us the way. To show us out of this medical tyranny. I put all my faith in God and accepted his will that we deserved this retribution. Millions of other persons on this planet have done the same.
God hears our prayers and acts in his time and manner. The 14-year old girls will be removed. But, let us not return to the broad path when this covid mania is relegated to the trash heap. In the future, let us not throw God's will away even if it seems inconvenient and burdensome.
Life is not what we have been living.
I need to write about our drugged society. At least with illegal drugs users get a high and use them to feel better.
Legal drug users are just sad.
Exist to stay alive, that is what people are doing. Sad. Not a life at all.