UPDATE: If you want to send an email to the Rector of St. Peter’s and request an exorcism of the Church, as I did, here is the information - FR. ENRIQUE SALVO, RECTOR OF ST. PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL. Rector@saintpatrickscathedral.org
I hate the modern Christian “church.” Whether it is a modern “catholic” or “protestant” church it makes no difference. Modern Christianity is broken, dead and satan has taken over. Jesus said † … I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it † (Matt 16:18), but the gates of hell are sure having a good time trying.
Do you know what a “normal” Catholic has to do to get a funeral mass these days at some podunk church that is going to be closed soon by the Poop Francis and the Vatican pedophile mafia anyways? Forget about getting a funeral mass at the precious St. Patrick’s Cathedral in BROADWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That “church” apparently is only open to the gates of hell and all its demonic ilk.
It’s all ugly, filthy, and disgusting. And I’m not talking about the gates of hell demonic minions - they do what they do because that’s what they are. Open and OUT THERE IN THEIR JAZZ HANDS of DEPRAVITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugly, filthy and disgusting is the modern Christian “church.” All of it. They do what they do in secret, in hypocrisy, and against everything Jesus stands for. Lord help me but I hate them all. So now, the demons who run St. Patrick’s Cathedral (the priests, bishops, and cardinals - AKA the gates of hellists) are whimpering that they DIDN’T KNOW NOTHING! They thought it was just some dead Catholic wanting a funeral mass.
LIARS, FILTHY ROTTEN LIARS. They deserve a whipping from Jesus and to be driven from His House of Prayer. The old Pharisees were chump change compared to the disgusting gates of hell hypocrites in the modern Christian “church.” I can assure you this display of demonic filth would NOT be allowed in ANY Synagogue or Mosque. EVER EVER EVER. Modern Jews and Muslims still have moral standards and a fear/reverence of God in their houses of worship. Modern Christians don’t. ANYTHING GOES GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch the above sham of a “mass” or just skip to the last ten minutes for the “festivities of the blessed whore cecilia.”
That gates of hell “catholic church” knew ALL about the dead person. It knew all about the crowd coming. It knew all about EVERYTHING. Funeral masses are kaching! money makers for the modern “catholic church.” The gates of hell “catholic church” leaders/hypocrites raked in the gates of hell money from the gates of hellists. WIN, WIN, WIN for the modern “catholic church.” Poop Francis is so damn proud. Poop Francis hates God and especially Jesus, that poor misguided sucker who said the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail. WELL Jesus, Poop Francis is showing you some prevailing! How do You like it now!
Christianity (the “catholic church” and its “protestant offshoot churches”) doesn’t exist anymore in this modern world. It’s dead. There may be remnants of weird people with Christian chapels in their basements, who read the Bible/Gospels and pray to God and Jesus (guilty as charged), but the institution of the Christian “church” is dead. The gates of hell has prevailed so far and killed modern Christianity.
Good news though! Someday Jesus will re-herd the remnant basement-dwelling Christians and His Church will rise again, because unlike us, Jesus is not a liar. But it won’t be in my lifetime. Until then I have my lonely Christian chapel under the basement stairs for peace and comfort.
Another thing I am sick of the BS me-too fad "what is a woman?" The whole "women are being erased, etc. etc."
You know what? What is a man?
Where are the men? Oh yeah, they have been "erased" years ago, now they are just gay or wanna be tranny/transvestites. People are ugly inside and out. No amount of clown makeup is going to make any "guy" or "gal" look pretty when their ugliness seeps out from the inside.
Hey, female athletes - if a freaking male transvestite is pretending to be a female because he sucks at male sports, DO NOT compete against the tranny. Stand your ground and state YOU WILL NOT COMPETE AGAINST A MALE IN A FEMALE SPORT.
Meh, never gonna happen.
No one cares, especially about morals and living by the Ten Commandments. On Substack, I wrote about the gay staffer who had sex on the tables in a Federal building in Washington DC and called out his lack of shame. Nothing happened to him other than he was "fired" (but I am sure he has a much better gubermint job now). No one on Substack really cares about gay fornication out in public places. It is all meh. Why be surprised at trannies and gays hooping it up in a Catholic church?
Walking into the Capitol building can get you years in prison, but having and filming gay sex in a gov't building in the Capitol, then posting it to your gay friends (who are also gubermint employees) that is perfectly A-OK. Nothing to see here.
Screw this human world. I have had enough.