A few weeks ago I was bored and clicking through Pluto TV looking for something to watch. I landed on the Comedy Standup channel and saw a guy named Jim Breuer doing his bit from at least ten years ago. He was talking about his wife and kids, it was kind of funny so I watched the whole thing.
I didn’t know who this guy was, and never heard of him. This was the first time I ever saw his comedy. Then I forgot about him.
Lo and behold, last week Jim shows up again virally across the Internet, with a comedy bit about the covid me-too freakout. Of course this is against the narrative, so he is surely to be cancelled from society. I laughed at the bit, because it’s true. But then I forgot about him again.
Well, this morning, I come across Jim yet again. Third time’s the charm as they say. I figured I keep coming across this guy I never heard of before, so there must be a reason. I clicked and listened:
This wasn’t a comedy bit, it was a truth bit. Everything he says is true. Time for a spiritual awakening in our lives. Time to learn to count our blessings and stop feeding the negativity in this world. Easier said than done, I understand fully. But I think God nudged me again, and again, and again to listen to someone I never even knew existed.
God does that to all of us, all the time. Just most of the time we ignore the nudging, and don’t see the connections. It’s all just a coincidence, right? I believe there are no coincidences. Everything is a nudge or blessing, or help from God. He doesn’t leave us on our own ever.
So I watched Jim Breuer today and was reminded to count my blessings. I needed that reminder, even if took three nudges over two weeks to do it. May we all learn to discern God’s constant nudges in our lives - He’s only trying to help.
Yes, he's right. Count your blessings and name them one by one and see what God has done.
Many realizations and epiphanies have been coming to me lately. One is to live for eternity and not be so tied down with the physical world. Another is to see good fortune as a blessing, and misfortune as a lesson. By learning the lesson, even misfortune becomes a blessing of insight and wisdom. That is hard, especially when the pain and trauma are so deep. God’s will shall be done, and we all serve His purpose.